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Music and vaginas

I was watching a cool video on YouTube about the history of music In the video, they mention that notating music was something that homogenized culture in a way It

Today I realized that

by focusing on things like meal prep it means I don’t need to focus on meals every day and just 1 day of the week I can focus on that

Hey Granny

I’m out here in [insert big city name] now I’m experiencing some interesting emotions. Emotions I’ve pushed down for years and that I forgot I even had. I’m doing meal

BDSM Dynamics

I don’t see a lot of content in my face around what it means to be a sub femme kind of person. The pleasure in servitude and what the center

Killing Magic Will Middleton

I used to write and worry about finishing my work I would always think my work wasn’t good enough But today my work is good enough Good enough for me

Have you communicated?

Have you communicated with the decision makers at your work how you feel? Completely and entirely communicated situations that have happened and how you have felt as a result. Something

I feel like I’m learning

About the value and product of putting real work into things I don’t know what my life’s work will be I’m just for the first time in my life choosing

Bad UX Rant

I moved this to this website because it was too angry: I’m pissed about a user experience I had today I was typing out a bunch of work and it

How can I be the next billionaire

McDonalds sells burgers and has real estate as what their business really is Facebook is a social media and has advertising as what their business really is Amazon delivers packages

Look at this old video of me

Here it is: I love this I started doing those videos because Gary Vee said something like, “if you want to be successful, do a video of yourself everyday”

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I talk in inappropriate ways about inappropriate things