April 7, 2024

12:56 am

Bad UX Rant

I moved this to this website because it was too angry:

I’m pissed about a user experience I had today

I was typing out a bunch of work and it all got deleted

I’m in an online course program built in a WordPress LMS

And I’m pissed

LifterLMS isn’t the problem here, but the UX design of the website was

Questions I have:

  • Why is it so hard for me to find what I’m looking for on your website?
  • Why is where I’m supposed to not on the screen right now? (Not in what’s rendered when the page loads)
  • Why does the website look like it was built in 2003?
  • Why are there so many layers to your website
  • I paid money, let me get what I was looking for

Make your websites simpler

Making your websites more complex doesn’t make you more of an expert. It makes you annoying

UX comes above everything

If I come to your website and you want me to pay you money and you want me to spend my time studying your work

Then don’t delete the shit you ask me to upload 

I’m going to bed

Make it easy to move, easy to navigate, easy to find the insight I pay to get instantly

I can find all your course content on the internet, I pay for the experience of getting it smoothly.

I pay for the experience of not having to dig around for 10 years to figure it out.

Take me on the fast and easy journey to the outcome I want for my life.

I want to figure out how I can get Briar to love me, not how to navigate your god damn website.

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I talk in inappropriate ways about inappropriate things