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Saturday – August 15, 2020

Today I was able to complete my 1 week daily upload challenge to myself, so I’m pretty happy about that. But other than that, light client emails and chilling out

Friday – August 14, 2020

Today I had a client meeting, a little bit of client work, and recording some more YouTube videos for the WPCourseGuide YouTube channel

Thursday – August 13, 2020

Today I had a full day of meetings and client work.I feel less stressed when trying to keep to 3 meetings per day. That really allows me to get in

Wednesday – August 12, 2020

Today I just had a full day of meetings and client work

Tuesday – August 11, 2020

Today I did the usual – Sales chat, emails, client work But also recorded a few more YouTube videos, so I can get my daily upload streak up to 4

Monday – August 10, 2020

Today I did the usual sales chat, emails, and client work I also made a painting ‘Michael W’

Sunday – August 9, 2020

Today I published the LifterLMS + GamiPress Leaderboards tutorial Then the usual sales chat, emails, a small amount of client work

Saturday – August 8, 2020

Today I get back into things a bit with recording a few YouTube videos for WPCourseGuide, excited to dive more into content creation to see if I can make that

Friday – August 7, 2020

Just a normal day of: meetings emails client work LMScast podcast work

Thursday – August 6, 2020

Excited to have the Groundhogg onboarding course completed (feeling positive momentum getting back into things off of my wisdom teeth coming out) Looking to lean more into video production, possibly

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I talk in inappropriate ways about inappropriate things