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Friday – September 4, 2020

Still slammed with client work, getting back into more deep LMScast copywriting work, and on the home stretch of 30 days of videos every day.

Thursday – September 3, 2020

Some meetings and a full day of client work

Wednesday – September 2, 2020

Today I had a lot of clients reaching out, so that tool the whole day. It’s great to be busy (money) and great to be free (peace). I’m feeling a

Tuesday – September 1, 2020

T0day I was able to record 4 videos, I was super pumped about that, but other than that, just the usual.

Monday – August 31, 2020

Today I recorded a longer demo of how I create videos once I’ve recorded them. That’s what I’ve been up to for the last ~ 21 days. I’ve got the

Sunday – August 30, 2020

Today I did the usual and also scanned in some more old photos. I’m feeling a bit fatigued from video creation, so it’s great to have days when I can

Saturday – August 29, 2020

Today, just the usual sales chat, emails, & client work.

Friday – August 28, 2020

Today, mostly the usual. I have my own seat now in the Drift sales chat for LifterLMS With more sales reps, I definitely feel like I’ll lose income at this

Thursday – August 27, 2020

Today I did the usual stuff (sales chat, emails, client meeting) And I’ve found one possible idea that would help me grow the bottom of my funnel with WPCourseGuide while

Wednesday – August 26, 2020

Today I just did the usual sales chat and emails. I’m considering adding some sort of random variable to my day where I try to do something different. For example,

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I talk in inappropriate ways about inappropriate things