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Tuesday – August 25, 2020

Today I’ve been killing a lot of moths, mosquitos, and other pests that have been getting into my room with the new AC, but it’s great to have it cool

Monday – August 24, 2020

Today we got the AC window unit installed, so that’s super cool But other than that, just a usual day. Currently feeling behind in general with LMScast work, WPCourseGuide work,

Sunday – August 23, 2020

Today I finished scanning in the 2001 part 2 box of photos, so I’ll now have to back those up to the cloud and edit whatever photos I’d like to

Saturday – August 22, 2020

Other than the usual chat and client emails, today I started going through old photos and scanning them into a digital format to back up

Friday – August 21, 2020

Today I attended an appraisal for the house I may end up buying which is pretty sweet. Other than that a usual day. Most of my mental energy was spent

Thursday – August 20, 2020

Today I did the usual (sales chate, emails, client meetings). Other than that, I was able to keep up the streak of publishing a daily video, I finished a free

Wednesday – August 19, 2020

Today I did the usual sales chat, emails, and client meetings. It does feel super great to have a video on deck and ready to upload and not feel the

Tuesday – August 18, 2020

Today was a standard day of client work, emails, and sales chat. I had the idea for some cornerstone content for, so maybe I’ll use that to work off

Monday – August 17, 2020

Today I did the usual sales chat, also recorded, uploaded, and published YouTube video for WPCourseGuide

Sunday – August 16, 2020

Today I relaxed for the most part, did some sales chat/emails as well

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I talk in inappropriate ways about inappropriate things