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Thursday – July 16, 2020

Today I: Had a few meetings Did client invoices Emails +  Sales Chat

Wednesday – July 15, 2020

Today I: Did the usual sales chat + emails worked on cleaning up a house with my grandmother

Tuesday – July 14, 2020

Today I: Did the usual client work, sales chat, emails Did meetings

Monday – July 13, 2020

Today I did: The usual sales chat + emails client work

Sunday – July 12, 2020

Today I: Laid low, keeping it simple on weekends with work Emails + sales chat 1 late client meeting 4:00 am CST

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Today I: worked on an origami/mobile business idea usual sales chat + emails

Friday, July 10, 2020

Today I: Had a collaboration meeting Worked on learning Gamipress for WordPress

Thursday – July 9, 2020

Today I: Did the usual emails + sales chat time Working on second-quarter tax info Client meetings A bit of client site work

Wednesday – July 8, 2020

Today I worked on: making some calls learning about mortgages 8:00 am dentist appointment (stayed up all night the night before) regular emails, and a bit of sales chat

Tuesday – July 7, 2020

Today I did: Usual Emails Video project work Client meetings

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I talk in inappropriate ways about inappropriate things