Love for the Game

I’m feeling good I wrote 3 blog posts today 1 for and 2 for  And I’m feeling prime. My nipples are hard I think my hairline is coming back I’m actually getting younger. I’ve been struggling to get my ass motivated to do blog posts for my business site for a while.  […]

Sometimes when I look at my computer, I have no clue where to go.

Sometimes I’m staring at my screen, and my mind is blank I’m clicking on the wrong things Not working on the right things Just utterly fucked up and misdirected by my own brain There must be some shit I’m avoiding Or some thing I don’t want to do. I’ve been looking at the same tarot […]


I feel like if I were to dedicate myself, I could do anything. I’ve been watching basketball analysis for a long time. Studying people who are great at basketball offers a whole new light to what can be done in life. It motivates me. How these people think about the game they play. How seriously […]

How do you think good bands start?

How do you think good shit starts? Do you think good shit starts because the people all say “hey, we’re really good at this, maybe we should do something here.” Maybe that’s how it works But I think that’s stupid I think good shit starts when there’s a force someone is trying to communicate A […]

Time to record

If you feel anxiety, resistance, or you feel like shit when you’re going to record, then you have a problem. Not like you shouldn’t be doing it, but a problem that needs to be addressed. Because you can push yourself to do anything you don’t want to do, but if your body or mind resists […]

What you give and what you take.

You give a lot to this world. You give heartbeats to this world. You give breaths. You give time. What are you giving your time to? What are you giving those heartbeats to? You receive as you give. If you are with your girlfriend a lot and wonder why you don’t make as much money […]

Magic the Gathering – January 4, 2023

I’ve been buying a lot of Magic (the Gathering) cards lately so I’m all open to new business and client work so I can fuel my addiction to these shiny cardboard masterpieces. Earlier today I did the usual LifterLMS live streams – Live presales call and Office Hours Chris told me this should be a […]

LifterLMS Facebook Group Post

Kurt’s Post So, just got home from WordCamp and briefing my bride on the awesome event… You ever wonder what we’re like off the keyboard? Will Middleton “Haha love it! It was good to meet you guys in person there!” – Jeremy “Oh man, LifterLMS became something else after Will joined their team, his energy […]

Airport website

Met up with Bruce at local WordCamp Atlanta meetup and he was looking for help with putting some more complex parts of the job together that required some custom code or larger data migration work I was able to put together for the project. Learned about Google Maps API

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I talk in inappropriate ways about inappropriate things