I’m out here in [insert big city name] now
I’m experiencing some interesting emotions.
Emotions I’ve pushed down for years and that I forgot I even had.
I’m doing meal prep, making pasta, rice, mashed potatoes, and some other things I can east fast throughout the week.
There’s a lot of pre work that goes into meal prep
You have to choose what meals you’ll eat at the start of the week and go through the cooking time and effort to put together 20+ meals
I’m not doing all that today, but I’m planning out what that would look like and prepping my meals for tomorrow.
I’ve ordered some food in bulk so I’ll get a good price on that.
Life and perspective is feeling strange to me as I get into meal prepping and planning what my days this week will look like.
At least planning the food for the week
For about a year now, I’ve been eating what I can find when I’m hungry
Not having food stored and whatnot planned for the future
I’m not sure if it’s a part of growing up or something, but the feeling of time is changing for me now.
I feel slower than I was before
Like last year and the years prior, I moved super fast
I thought super fast too. I felt like a hummingbird or mosquito moving 100 miles per hour.
I feel slower
But not necessarily in a bad way
In a peaceful way.
Which is really strange for me because I’m used to moving fast, and not being very peaceful.
A lot of depression and negative feelings arise and suppress in that process of moving super fast.
But I feel a wave of focus coming on in my life
I used to be super focused as a kid
I knew who I was and what I wanted to do
I didn’t always do it all the time because I had so many grades and activities to keep up with.
But as I figure out who I am, I feel like things are changing
We’re coming into spring now
But I feel like autumn inside
Like a dying and rebirth can happen now
My torso feels like a campfire
Slowly burning at a steady pace as I add firewood to it
I think there’s on perspective where you only see love or suffering in the universe
Someone might be suffering and they make others suffer too
I don’t know if there’s a right or wrong about other people’s actions
I can say that I would not like to see myself doing something somebody else might do
I would say I’d feel wrong about that
But I think it’s within them whether they feel right or wrong about it
I think from the outside looking into someone else, I can either feel love or suffering
Not love in the sense of “oh I love that! That’s great”
I’m talking about love in the sense of seeing another person
You are me and I am you
Your suffering brings me sadness for you and others
That kind of love
It’s like viewing a tragedy rather than a crime
It feels like a slow ember burning in the stomach
Violence can get you everything you want except for love
Suffering can get you everything you want except for peace
There’s some people you just know you would have met no matter what.
In any timeline
Like my friends from Georgia
Logan told me it feels like he’s known me his whole life
That’s because I think he did
We were childhood friends in the universe where my mom never left Georgia
We realistically would have actually met at the same card store in Marietta and become friends
Whether I grew up in Georgia or I meet Brien at a game store 20 years later, I’ll end up in the same basement, hanging with the same dudes.
Those guys paths and mine were going to cross.
That’s what I’d like to think.
Just someone I would have met no matter the timeline
No matter how things shaped out
Those people feel predestined
I like to think I have control in life
When I was moving at 100 miles per hour the last few years from place to place, meeting new people, I don’t think I had done anything wrong
Pushing myself and being stressed wasn’t very good for me
But that’s what I learned in the process
Possibly I would have met these people no matter what
Just in a different way
I think people I’ve put off in life are people who would have had the same impact on me in other lives, but maybe through different means
Maybe instead of learning a lesson about love at age 21, I learn the lesson at 34 in another life, but with the same person
Could be something cool like that
And maybe the process of acting mature isn’t the process of becoming more mature
Maybe to become mature, you must feel the immaturity
I’m sitting in front of a window now as I write this and the smell of the fresh air outside is really nice
This is possibly the first time in my life I’ve had that thought without being high
I’ve always been in a rush
Or had to get drunk to slow down
Forcing the dance with life isn’t something I think I really want to do anymore
As I give up a sense of control I get more peace
As I get more peace, I give up more sense of control
It’s like a leaf isn’t he wind moving down from a tree it feel off of
I’m not always going in the right direction, but I’m moving to the direction I’m meant to go.
That shit feels scary
Knowing that I’m meant to go in a certain direction
Not in a pre-deterministic way necessarily
But just in a way of knowing I can’t control everything
And that most of the things that will happen to me and for me will be by others who I can’t control.
I wish I could control everything and that way I could make it good
Make it what I think is good
But I look back on things sometimes and love the sense of not being in control and how much richness those experiences added to my life.
I’m on the west coast now
Far from home
I’m sleep deprived because I only got about 5 hours of sleep last night
I’m not sure when I’ll say that “now” is the point in my life when I have it all
But I look back a lot and see that 3 years ago, I really did have it all
I had presence
And with that presence was able to express myself and make an impact on others based on that.
I’m very afraid of being ordinary
I’m very afraid of having a normal job
My life has been running away
Running away from poverty
But never escaping the feeling of scarcity
Even when I thought I had escaped scarcity because I wasn’t always afraid anymore
My fear had just transferred to something else and I still had the impact of scarcity in my life
In the process of growing as a person, I want peace
In the process of living my life day to day, I’m getting more peace
I don’t know if there is such a thing as more peace or less peace
I think there might just be peace or no peace
So maybe it’s not that I’m getting more peace, but rather that I’m coming to peace
That feels sick as fuck honestly
Like being 22 and feeling like I might just about have peace before 25
I think people search for their whole lives sometimes and never find peace
I don’t have a lot of money though
I don’t know if peace is about money though
I think it’s not
I think peace has more to do with knowing yourself and being yourself
My life up to this point has mostly been about accomplishments, not about knowing myself and being myself
But rather being the person others want me to be
That required a lot of guessing on my part of what others wanted
And then how I could be that
I was just imitating though, but I learned in the process
Overall that whole process had a lot of growth for me
I met great people and did great things
But I was depressed the whole time
I was pushing down my emotions in favor of surviving
And believing that in order to survive, I need to be someone who is not me
Sad life, sad time
Even though what I was doing was epic
Traveling to Greece and Spain and Berlin and Washington DC and San Diego
Going on yachts and stuff
Private parties
But I wasn’t happy with myself
I think in the next 8 months I can get happy with myself
I think with all the work I’m doing with my therapist and my life coach I’m getting to a place where I can more effectively do the cool shit I want to do.