Tuesday – August 25, 2020

Today I’ve been killing a lot of moths, mosquitos, and other pests that have been getting into my room with the new AC, but it’s great to have it cool at night I got up early today to attend Nick Usborne’s group call for the members of the Conversational Copywriting course (10:00 am – the […]

Monday – August 24, 2020

Today we got the AC window unit installed, so that’s super cool But other than that, just a usual day. Currently feeling behind in general with LMScast work, WPCourseGuide work, etc.

Sunday – August 23, 2020

Today I finished scanning in the 2001 part 2 box of photos, so I’ll now have to back those up to the cloud and edit whatever photos I’d like to add to some sort of family portal or something. Then did the usual sales chat, emails, client work.

Saturday – August 22, 2020

Other than the usual chat and client emails, today I started going through old photos and scanning them into a digital format to back up

Friday – August 21, 2020

Today I attended an appraisal for the house I may end up buying which is pretty sweet. Other than that a usual day. Most of my mental energy was spent on the house

Thursday – August 20, 2020

Today I did the usual (sales chate, emails, client meetings). Other than that, I was able to keep up the streak of publishing a daily video, I finished a free course on Google Analytics, so now I’m much more comfortable with the Google Analytics dashboard.

Wednesday – August 19, 2020

Today I did the usual sales chat, emails, and client meetings. It does feel super great to have a video on deck and ready to upload and not feel the pressure of recording videos the day of.

Tuesday – August 18, 2020

Today was a standard day of client work, emails, and sales chat. I had the idea for some cornerstone content for WPCourseGuide.com, so maybe I’ll use that to work off of for large blog posts (maybe 6 total) and a course per blog post I was able to record 3 videos today, so I’m feeling […]

Monday – August 17, 2020

Today I did the usual sales chat, also recorded, uploaded, and published YouTube video for WPCourseGuide

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I talk in inappropriate ways about inappropriate things